Winterize Your Skin

When dealing with the harsh elements of winter, most people think to winterize their vehicles, homes, and even wardrobes. However, they often forget to winterize one of their most invaluable possessions-their body! The skin goes through some tough times during the winter, and by forgetting to take extra care to protect skin from the harsh winter elements, there is potential for skin damage, illness, and discomfort. Winterizing your skin is easy and may even be considered pampering, even though it is quite necessary to help battle the harshness of winter and its rather unforgiving elements.


A day cannot go by without hearing about the benefits of moisturizing. You cannot turn the corner without seeing some type of advertisement for some moisturizer touting how it is better than all the rest. Typically, when we are inundated with so much about one product, we often believe it is the next “it” thing, and either must have it—whatever it is—or do not pay it much attention. Moisturizing is not just another fad, and it has been proven time and again how important moisturizing plays on your skin and overall health.

Some tips when moisturizing include applying your moisturizer within minutes of stepping out of the shower. Just like when using hand sanitizer, soap, or body wash, hot water can dry out your skin. The combination also opens your pores and allows your skin to breathe and absorb more of the moisturizer immediately after that. This period is when your skin is most vulnerable and therefore benefits most from the additional moisturizer.

Also, because you are likely washing your hands and/or sanitizing them repeatedly during the winter days it is best to find soaps and sanitizers that have built-in moisturizers. This way you can ensure your hands will always receive moisturizing agents even when being cleaned and sterilized. Safesha is one natural option to help sanitize and moisturize at the same time.

Other Helpful Hints

While moisturizing is likely the most important step to winterizing your skin, there are some other habits that you should be practicing to help keep your skin safe through the harsh winter months. First, exfoliate. Getting dry skin out of the way can help new skin flourish and continue to grow. Another helpful tip is to utilize a humidifier in your home. The job of a humidifier is to add moisture to the environment. This moisture will help your skin not become dried out, and instead maintain a beneficial balance of moisture to battle the winter climate. Another helpful hint is to utilize sunscreen when you are out enjoying the winter, whether it be skiing, ice skating, or simply taking in the beauty of the winter sights. While the weather is not exactly warm, the sun is still out and can damage your skin. Remember to utilize a sunscreen with moisturizer to protect your skin from both the sun and the cold.

All in all, it is important to take care of your skin during the winter as if it was the most important possession you own. Moreover, in actuality, it is! A car and a home, and even wardrobe can be replaced. However, your skin is with you forever and needs to be well cared for.